Stop Locator

Community Transit - 903 Schedule

Instructions: Click/Tap to highlight the row & column. Scroll/Swipe left and right for longer schedules.

Monday-Friday - Lynnwood City Center Station

Lake Stevens Transit Center Bay 1 South Everett Fwy Station Bay 3 Lynnwood City Center Station Bay A7
4:55am 5:14am 5:25am
5:22am 5:41am 5:55am
5:49am 6:09am 6:25am
6:15am 6:37am 6:55am
6:43am 7:07am 7:25am
7:08am 7:37am 7:55am
7:35am 8:07am 8:25am

Monday-Friday - Lake Stevens Park & Ride

Lynnwood Transit Center Bay D2 South Everett Fwy Station Bay 5 Lake Stevens Transit Center Bay 1 Market Pl & 99th Ave NE
3:25pm 3:35pm 4:10pm 4:13pm
3:55pm 4:05pm 4:40pm 4:43pm
4:25pm 4:35pm 5:09pm 5:12pm
4:55pm 5:05pm 5:39pm 5:42pm
5:25pm 5:35pm 6:08pm 6:11pm
5:55pm 6:05pm 6:34pm 6:37pm
6:25pm 6:35pm 7:04pm 7:07pm
6:55pm 7:05pm 7:33pm 7:36pm
7:25pm 7:33pm 8:00pm 8:03pm